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 Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 146
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute   Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute Icon_minitimeMar 15 Aoû - 16:27

Un petit thread consacré aux fans de guitares Dean et plus principalement à Dimebag Darrell,
le guitariste de Pantera & Damage Plan, assassiné en 2004 lors d'un concert avec Damage Plan.

En éperant que ca plaira à quelques-un, quel art !

Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute Ss3

Citation :
Six-String Masterpieces: The Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute was used to transform the MTV Headbangers Ball Studio into the Headbangers Ball Gallery for a taping last friday. A collection of 50 DEAN ML guitars that have been hand-painted by world-famous Rock Stars and internationally known Tattoo & Visionary Artists in memorial tribute to one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Dimebag Darrell Abbott. The guitar model being used as "the canvas" is the DEAN ML, originally designed in 1976 by DEAN ZELINSKY, the founder of DEAN GUITARS. This is DIMEBAG DARRELL'S signature instrument, the exact model he played his whole life.

La liste des artistes qui ont peint ces guitares:

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Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute Hetfield
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Nombre de messages : 224
Age : 36
Localisation : Belgique
skyblog : LDD056.skyblog.com
Loisirs : Ma chérie, YGO, PS3, WoW
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2006

Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute   Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute Icon_minitimeMar 15 Aoû - 17:01

Un grand respect auxpersonnes qui ont peint ces petites merveilles.

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Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute
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